a) Mean-spirited displays of obscenity, anger or hate.
Any displays, written comments and/or vocalization that discriminate against any person on the basis of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, skill level and more - where members of the public (including players, fans, and the media) are present in any capacity.
b) Abuse (physical, verbal, threatening or slanderous) of Logitech staff, fans, fellow streamers, community members and anyone else.
Any physical intimidation of fans, event attendees, content creators etc.
Improper contact or arguments with event staff or fans.
c) Unprofessional public communications in person or via any media dialogue.
Slanderous comments with racial, cultural or sexual overtones about Logitech or competitor personnel, fellow players, or fans.
Damaging and false commentary of Logitech G, competitors, players, fans, and content creators.
Excessive or threatening negative comments to other players, event personnel, Logitech staff, or fans.
d) Blatant and repeated violations of contractual obligations.
Failure to arrive on time for meet and greets, live stream events, video production etc.
Failure to notify event or relevant departments of withdrawal from an event, video production, meet and greet etc.
Failure to deliver content as agreed to in contract.